This example demonstrates the use of enum.
How this enum is used to set the way to fecth data from the database
Declaring enum
/// this enum will define in which way the search should be made
/// all stats that the parameter should exactly match
/// start states that the vlaue passed should be serched for any value starting with
/// End states that the vlaue passed should be serched for any value ending with
/// Middle states that the vlaue passed should be serched for any value which conatins these charates any where
public enum SearchDirection
Declaring and Defining the function
/// Checks the Field Value whether exist in database or not
/// Value to check for
/// Value to check in which field
/// Value to Check in which Table
/// Specifies the search direction
public Int32 CheckFieldValue(String fldValue, String fldName,String TblName,SearchDirection SearchDir)
String strquery = "";
String str=Enum.GetName(typeof(SearchDirection),SearchDir);
strquery = "select * from " + TblName + " where " + fldName + " ='" + fldValue + "'";
else if (((Int32)Enum.Parse(typeof(SearchDirection), str)) == 1)
strquery = "select * from " + TblName + " where " + fldName + " like'" + fldValue + "%'";
else if (((Int32)Enum.Parse(typeof(SearchDirection), str)) == 2)
strquery = "select * from " + TblName + " where " + fldName + " like'%" + fldValue + "'";
else if (((Int32)Enum.Parse(typeof(SearchDirection), str)) == 3)
strquery = "select * from " + TblName + " where " + fldName + " like'%" + fldValue + "%'";
SqlConnection DBConnection = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand DBCommand = new SqlCommand();
if (DBConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
DBConnection.ConnectionString = "yourConnectionString";
DBCommand.Connection = DBConnection;
DBCommand.CommandText = strquery;
Int32 i=DBCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();
return i;
Thanks and Regards
Meetu Choudhary
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