Saturday, November 13, 2010

Properties in C#

Today my friend asked me a question for which i provided a solution using properties of the class. but then he asked me what are these properties, why to use them and how to Implement them To answer these questions

Properties are named members of classes, structs, and interfaces. They provide a flexible mechanism to read, write, or compute the values of private fields through accessors. or we can say Properties equip a class with a public way to expose its private members or to get and set values for those private members, while hiding implementation or verification code.
A property has two accessors
  • Get
  • Set

The get keyword
with the help of this keyword we can define an accessor method for a property or an indexer which retrieves the value of the property or the indexer element.
The Set Keyword
With the help of this keyword we can define which accessor is used to assign a new value to the property or indexer.
The value keyword is used to define the value being assigned by the set accessor. Properties which do not implement a set accessor are termed as read only Properties.

Let’s take the first example to demonstrate how to declare and use read/write properties.

Example 1
This sample shows a Car class that has two properties: Name (string) and Model (int). Both properties have read/write attributes.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
privatestring CarName = "N/A";
privateint CarModelNo = 0;
// Declare a Name property of type string:
publicstring Name
//returns the Carname
return CarName;
//set the value od carname provided by the user
                CarName = value;
// Declare an Age property of type int:
publicint ModelNo
//returns the CarModelNo
return CarModelNo;
//sets the value for CarModelNo
                CarModelNo = value;
//Overriding the ToString function of the class for demonstration
publicoverridestring ToString()
return"Name = " + Name + ", ModelNo = " + ModelNo;
publicstaticvoid Main()
Console.WriteLine("Simple Properties");
// Create a new Car object:
Car mycar = newCar();
// Print out the name and the modelno associated with the car:
Console.WriteLine("Car details - {0}", mycar);
// Set some values on the car object:
            mycar.Name = "Maurti";
            mycar.ModelNo = 1;
Console.WriteLine("Car details - {0}", mycar);
// Increment the modelno property:
            mycar.ModelNo += 1;
Console.WriteLine("Car details - {0}", mycar);

Simple Properties
Car details - Name = N/A, ModelNo = 0
Car details - Name = Maruti, ModelNo =
Person details - Name = Joe, ModelNo = 100

Code Discussion
  • Notice the way that the properties are declared, for example, consider the Name property:

publicstring Name
return CarName;
                              CarName = value;
  • After declaring the property Set and Get methods are contained inside the declaration. We can control a property is read/write, read-only, or write-only by controlling Get or Set methods. If we only include Get Method the property will be read only if only set method is used the property will be write only (Although very less scenarios I have seen this), and as in our example if both Get and Set are used that means property is read/write.
  • Once the properties are created or declared, they can be used as if they are the members of that class. The following statementssows both getting and setting the value of a property

mycar.Name = "Maurti";
mycar.ModelNo = 1;

  • If you have noticed that in a property’s Set method a special value variable is available which we have not declared anywhere. This variable contains the value that the user has specified, for example:

CarName = value;

  • You can see that these properties are used as other variables only see how we have incremented the ModelNo property

mycar.ModelNo += 1;

  • The ToString() method is overridden in this example:
publicoverridestring ToString()
return"Name = " + Name + ", ModelNo = " + ModelNo;
Check that I have not used the ToString() explicitly. It is invoked by default by the WriteLine calls.

In my next article I will  discus Abstract Properties

you can read Properties in C# here

Thursday, October 7, 2010

ASP.NET Security Fix Now on Windows Update

ASP.NET Security Fix Now on Windows Update

via ScottGu's Blog by ScottGu on 9/30/10

Earlier this week I blogged about the availability of a patch on the Microsoft Download Center to fix the recent ASP.NET Security Vulnerability.

Today we also made it possible to update systems through Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS).  This enables administrators to more easily streamline patch installs, and enables you to take advantage of the WU/WSUS infrastructure to detect which patches you should install based on what versions of .NET are on your system.

Please make sure to install these updates as soon as possible on your servers.  This will prevent attackers from using the vulnerability to attack your systems.

Using Windows Update

If you run Windows Update on your system you'll see the security updates listed if you haven't already installed them on your computer.  Note that you'll see a separate update available for each version of .NET you have installed on your system:


Please make sure all of the "Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework" updates are selected and then apply them to keep your system secure.

Useful Notes and Frequently Asked Questions

In my blog post earlier in the week I answered a few commonly asked questions about the security updates.  Below are a few additional notes based on help we've provided a few customers who have applied the update:

Do I Really Need to Apply this Update?

Yes. This update fixes security vulnerabilities that are publically known. You must install this update patch to be safe.

Make Sure You Apply the Update on All Servers in a Web-Farm

Because the patch modifies the encryption/signing behavior of certain features in ASP.NET, it is important that you apply it to all machines in a web-farm.  If you have a mix-match of patched/un-patched systems you'll have forms-authentication, webresource.axd, and scriptresource.axd requests succeed/fail depending on which server they hit in the farm (since the encryption used would be different across them).

Persistent Forms Authentication Cookie Behavior

After you apply the security update, visitors who have a persistent forms authentication cookie (the "remember me" scenario on login) will no longer be logged into your site – and will need to login again.  The ASP.NET Forms Authentication system by default automatically handles this scenario for you – and will redirect visitors with a pre-patch forms-authentication cookie to the login page you've configured for your site.  No error page is displayed – the behavior the end-user sees is the same as if the cookie had timed out.  This is a good user experience and doesn't require you to take any additional steps to ensure un-interrupted traffic to your site.

Note: We have had a few customers report problems with persistent forms-auth cookies that turned out to be issues either in their application code, or in a third party logging component they used.  Specifically, this application code attempted its own decryption of the forms authentication cookie and threw exceptions when the cookie did not decrypt successfully. If after applying the security update you see issues with people who have saved forms authentication cookies visiting your site you might also be encountering this.  There are two ways you can fix it: 1) update your code to not throw exceptions to end-users in these cases, or 2) modify the name of the forms-auth cookie that ASP.NET's Forms Authentication system uses.  Approach #2 is easy and doesn't require any code changes - just modify the <forms name=".ASPXAUTH"/> configuration section in your web.config file and switch to a different cookie name.  This will prevent your code from throwing exceptions because the old cookie failed to decrypt (instead the system will ignore the old cookie and issue all new cookies under the new cookie name you've configured).

Forms Authentication can continue to work across ASP.NET Versions

ASP.NET supports the scenario where you have multiple applications on a server, and share the same forms-authentication cookie ticket across all of them. It also supports the scenario where different applications on the site use different versions of ASP.NET.  For example, one part of the site might be built with ASP.NET 2.0, another part with ASP.NET 3.5 SP1, and another part ASP.NET 4. This continues to be supported with the security update. 

Note: If you are going to share the forms-authentication ticket across .NET 2 and .NET 3.5 SP1 or .NET 4.0 sites, then we recommend having .NET 2.0 SP2 installed to do so.

Make sure servers in a Web Farm use the same service pack of .NET 2 on all machines

We have seen an issue with a customer where they were running a site distributed across multiple servers in a web-farm, and some of the servers were running .NET 2.0 SP1 and others were running .NET 2.0 SP2.  The URLs for webresource.axd and scriptresource.axd end up being different across the two Service Pack flavors when the security patch is applied – which can cause problems if your web-farm doesn't consistently use the same service pack.  You should make sure that the same service-pack of .NET 2.0 is installed across all the machines in a web-farm if they are running the same application across all of them. 

How to Get Help If You Need It

You can ask questions and get help with the security vulnerability and update in a special ASP.NET Forum that we have setup here

You can also contact Microsoft Customer Support for help with problems or questions (including support over the phone with a technical support engineer who can help you debug problems). 

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